This is the key for all educators.  ENVoY® provides foundational, systematic, management tools that apply to any and all curriculum you will ever teach! Start off with the top 7 ENVoY® Gems and you will be coming back for more!

My father Michael Grinder, the author of ENVoY®, was able to observe over 5,000 classrooms from around the world to watch the recommended techniques that teachers were naturally successfully using and put them into Gems that anyone can use.

 The magic is in the simplicity of the techniques wrapped around deep-rooted rewards. Not only will teachers gain an hour plus or more “curriculum” time weekly by implementing ENVoY® but they will be preserving the relationships they have created with their students while holding high standards. 

Curriculum comes and goes; ENVoY® is an investment for your entire career no matter the grade level or subject!

Have you ever had a student that you just couldn’t quite reach?  No matter how much you tried you couldn’t win them over?  

Respect is no longer given (no matter your title, degree or demeanor)…it has to be earned! The question is, how do you earn it with the hard to reach students?

A Cat in the Doghouse provides understanding and techniques to help build relationships​ with those hard-to-reach students.  Learn to understand and recognize dynamics and patterns that can either push them further away or bring them closer over time!



Learn the techniques and gain insight into what it takes to make a healthy classroom — a course that combines theory with implementation of the science of classroom management. A Healthy Classroom is designed to help understand the hardest management situations the teacher faces — when the teacher has to grapple with both the individual and the class at the same time. A Healthy Classroom tackles classroom group dynamic situations with insight and practical axioms.

Prerequisite and audience
-While the program is open to anyone, it is intended for regular educators from second-twelfth grade who have been teaching for at least 3 years; this is because early primary and special education students tend not to operate from a group dynamic template. Having 3 years experience will add a foundation to build the "art" of this class onto. Since the concepts apply to faculties and community groups, this program is ideal for administrators, trainers, and staff developers.

A Cat in the Doghouse - Establish Relationships with Hard-to-Reach Students

Course Objective—Teachers who systematically utilize the full range of non-verbal management skills are able to reinforce consistent and fair parameters while preserving their relationships with each student, regardless of unique learning styles or cultural backgrounds.

Prerequisite and audience—No previous experience is necessary. While the program is open to anyone, it is intended for educators. Available for practicum credit.

A Healthy Classroom—Educational Group Dynamics


Walking the hallway at schools, there are all kinds of dynamics happening in the classrooms.  Some have been set up highly dependent on their teacher, draining energy and creativity. Some are overly strict, you might even be able to hear a pin drop, controlling with fear. Also there are those classrooms where you are unclear as to whether there is any control and order at all, a very chaotic environment!

It’s a magical feeling stepping into the classroom that feels like you have arrived at an educational oasis!  Students and teachers working together as a team with similar goals. There is order, comradery and respect!  

A Healthy Classroom provides the ingredients needed along with the techniques to create this educational oasis in your room.  By building healthy group dynamics not only between the teacher and the students but between the students as well, you too can build safety and belonging to your classroom. In A Healthy Classroom  leadership is not just on the teacher but shared by the whole class, utilizing the relationships and group dynamics created. The teacher creates a unified team that when established, will work regardless of the adult in charge

Course Objectives—This course will give you a basic understanding of behavioral styles from high accommodators (i.e., dogs) to low accommodators (i.e., cats). Anyone who has ever owned a cat and a dog instinctively knows the differences between their personalities.

Prerequisite and audience—No previous experience is necessary. While the program is open to anyone, it is intended for teachers who work with adolescents, kinesthetic-oriented students, at-risk pupils and talented/ gifted learners. Available for practicum credit.

ENVoY® - Your Personal Guide to Classroom Management